Waste Collection and Transportation

(General waste, Industrial waste, Specially controlled industrial waste and more)
From normal waste to specially controlled industrial waste that requires specialized knowledge,
we collect and transport waste in accordance with the compliance system.
General Waste
We regularly collect garbage from restaurants, offices, and other places
Industrial Waste
We collect waste from factories and shopping malls
Specially Controlled Industrial Waste
We collect used needles, IV containers and other waste from hospitals
Garbage after moving house
Large garbage
House cleaning
The garbage from factories and offices
The garbage from restaurants,etc
Air Conditioners, refrigerators
TV, washing machines
Plastic waste
Wood garbage
Rubble (Rubbish)
Gypsum (garbage from construction)
Flexible containers
Medical Waste
Recycling work

Drywall 150yen/kg~

Driver Included
We are available 9:00 to 17:00 for a free consultation and quotation. for a free consultation and quotation.